Jogos com existência limitada

Eu não sei se esse é o termo certo para defini-los, mas hoje achei dois jogos com tempos limites de existência limitados. (o jogo não a partida.)


"This multiplayer game comes with a population and an ending to the game, after which the game will never be playable again. Please read the ‘population’ part in the description part down below to get a better understanding.

Current Population: 215.358.979"

Curiosity – What’s Inside the Cube?

“Curiosity was a multiplayer social experiment. The game setting was a featureless and minimalist white room in the middle of which floated a giant cube made of billions of smaller cubes (“cubelets”) and white, floating text across each layer, usually topic related (hashtag, notifications etc.), with small messages. Players tapped the cubelets to dig through the surface of each layer and reveal the next layer below.”